
Allira Sheather

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Bachelor of Law

Bachelor of Criminal Justice

Allira Sheather

Family Lawyer

  • Family Law

With a double degree in law and criminal justice, Allira Sheather started her legal journey in 2015 as a junior receptionist in a family law firm. She quickly realised she had a passion for family law and, remarkably, completed her double degree while working full-time. 

She was originally interested in the psychology aspect of what causes offenders to commit crimes and how victims recover from their experiences however during her studies and through her career in predominantly family law firms, she began to grow more passionate about assisting everyday people in resolving their family law disputes. After completing her studies, Allira’s career path led her through various roles within the family law field, solidifying her dedication to the field. She brings a wealth of experience from reputable firms. 

What sets Allira apart is her unwavering commitment to her clients’ well-being. She understands that family law matters are not just legal issues but deeply personal and emotional journeys. When clients first seek advice following a separation, they can be vulnerable, highly emotional, frustrated and out of their depth. Being in a position to assist a client through these emotions and over time see them become stronger, more empowered and develop a level of independency is incredibly rewarding for her. 

If there was one thing she could change, it would be the ongoing delays and extensive costs associated with the legal system. 

For Allira, success is about resolving a dispute that sees the parties maintain a level of control as to their future and how they want to resolve their matter, without the matter proceeding to Court for a Judge’s determination. In parenting matters particularly, a successful outcome is resolving the dispute in the best interests of the children but also with the parties maintaining or developing an amicable relationship without the need for ongoing legal intervention.  

I believe every child deserves a childhood free from conflict between their parents and filled with experiences and positive memories and I take pride in being able to assist their parents to reach a resolution without protracted legal intervention and heightened legal costs.

Outside of the office, Allira enjoys her title of ‘favourite Aunt’ to her adorable niece. An advocate for work-life balance, she enjoys long days at the beach in summer and lazy movie nights in the chillier months. When she’s not championing her clients’ rights, you can find her indulging in her hobbies of shopping, baking, crafting, or planning the next renovation project for her cozy home. 

Support Staff

Jessica Dunning

Personal Assistant

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