
Modern Estate Planning

Plan for the worst and hope for the best

Estate Planning in Today’s World

Mason Lawyers have assisted thousands of clients make estate planning arrangements that suit their needs. Our estate planning solicitors’ consider each client’s family, work, tax, superannuation and other factors on a case-by-case basis to create an individualised and modern estate plan.

So… What is Modern Estate Planning?

Modern estate planning may include a number of documents which work together to create a cohesive plan. You may require some or all of the following documents as part of a modern estate plan:

  • A Will
  • A Power of Attorney
  • An Appointment of Enduring Guardian
  • A Binding Death Benefit Nomination
  • An Advance Heath Directive
  • Life Insurance

In estate planning, a Will may contain provision for the establishment of trusts, particularly if one or more of your beneficiaries runs a business, has a disability or cares for someone with a disability, is in a relationship or otherwise needs to mitigate tax.

Modern Estate Planning

Life is complicated, and a number of factors make estate planning far more difficult today than in the past. Many people will have one or more of the following factors in their lives, which make modern estate planning crucial:

  • Family structure – such as second marriages, step-children, adoption, de facto relationships.
  • Complicated assets & liabilities – investment properties, life insurance, shares, trusts.
  • Litigation risks – owning a business, family disputes, estrangement, divorce

We never think it will happen to us…

Why choose Mason lawyers for your estate planning needs?

At Mason Lawyers, when someone is ready to make a Will, we consider a person’s unique circumstances on a case-by-case basis. A person’s estate can be small or large, complex or straightforward. Similarly, a person can have a very small family or a large and complicated family. These factors, as well as any insurance considerations or potential disputes, are considered when making an individualised estate plan.  Our experienced estate planning lawyers can help you make a Will. 

  • Over 20 years of Wills and estate planning experience
  • Skilled in handling complex estates
  • Specialised taxation knowledge
  • Friendly, approachable and compassionate
  • Over 10,000 Wills have been prepared for members of the local community
  • Offer cost effective estate planning packages, with flexible payment options.
  • Convenient locations, or one of our lawyers can travel to you. We can attend at the hospital, nursing home and retirement village.

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