
5 Tips for Co-parenting During Christmas

Co-parenting during Christmas can be challenging. Here are 5 tips for successfully surviving the Christmas holidays as a separated parent:

1. Plan Ahead

Start planning well in advance to avoid any last-minute conflicts or misunderstandings. This proactive approach will help reduce stress and create a sense of security for the children, as you can prepare them well in advance on what to expect.

2. Communication about Orders

If you have Parenting Orders consider writing to the other parent to confirm that you both agree on the interpretation, including the changeover dates and locations.

3. Flexibility

The Christmas season often requires a departure from routine. Consider these requests in a child-focused manner. While you should not be forced to cancel your own plans for the sake of flexibility, if the request can be accommodated (perhaps with makeup time) then perhaps you should agree; particularly if it means your children get to enjoy a special experience.

4. Document It

If you do vary your parenting arrangements and there is an agreement for make up time, make sure to document the arrangement. This can be by text or email.

5. Traditions

If your separation is recent, consider which traditions you will retain and whether you will start new traditions of your own. If your children will not be with you on Christmas Day, make plans to be with friends and family, or volunteer to raise the spirits of others.

Headed by our Senior Lawyer Kasey Stewart, an Accredited Specialist in Family Law, you can trust our family law team to help you achieve the best results possible, for you and your children. If you need advice or assistance in relation to your family law matter or to resolve parenting arrangements, including co-parenting during Christmas, our expert family law team can provide you with practical advice today. You can call them on (02) 4929 4499 or book an appointment online.

Kasey Stewart
Kasey Stewart

2 Nov, 2023

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